
Monday, June 18, 2012

Gale Force Nine sponsorship announcement

Battlefront Miniatures, aka Gale Force Nine have thrown their hat into the Foodhammer ring with this great selection of prize support for three of our events. 

For the 40K Event they have donated a set of the ruined gothic columns (unfortunately out of stock at the moment, so they're not in the photo), the Gallery of Valour from the Hall of Heroes scenery set and two sets of crystal terrain.

For the Fantasy event there is the Elven Tower, the Elven Pillars and Ruins and the Chieftan's Hut. Just great pieces, absolutely stunning on the tabletop.

For Warmachine/Hordes they have sent of selection of their high quality markers and templates in four matching sets, which will really make your Privateer Press gaming so much more enjoyable.

We at A Club are really proud of our Battlefield In A Box terrain so I will take great pleasure in handing out these items as prizes.

I really want to thank Joe Krone at Battlefront Miniatures for the donation. It's great people in the hobby industry like him who are helping us maximise our donation to the Food Bank, while giving you guys a carrot to chase!!