Dan Miner, the organiser, chef, cook and bottle washer for Malifood has started a Facebook page for the event, so that he can easily contact the participants. You can find that page by clicking this link.
You can view a list of participants by clicking THIS link. Please note that your spot isn't cemented until you have paid, so please make arrangements to do that. You can see Chris Jones or Dan Miner to make payment. You can also use the PayPal link on the right hand side of the page. Not only that, you can pay in person at GameStars!
I had a great time at Adepticon, and I'm already trying to find a way to get back next year. I met some REALLY great people and I had some really good conversations with some vendors and manufacturers about the possibility of obtaining some prize support from them.
The first to hand over swag was Forgeworld. The whole Forgeworld crew was very supportive of the event and send us happy thoughts for every success. Then Big Steve called me over and handed me a copy of Imperial Armour volumes 9 and 10. We have a complete edition of THE BADAB WAR to give away. We're not sure how we'll do it yet but we'll make you guys work to earn it that's for sure.
The other vendors - you know who you are! Let's see what you can do to top that great donation. Big thanks go to the Forgeworld crew, your generosity blew me away. Thank you so much.
I met with Carl, Geoff and Zach of The Independent Characters podcast, and they were supportive of the event and Carl helped me out with a contact for possible support too.
Joe, the Evil Level Nine Boss over at the Screaming Heretic podcast was most generous in giving some of his time for an interview. I babbled away like a very excited Englishman and tried to cram as much information in as I could. You will be able to hear the interview on Episode 25, which will drop in a couple of weeks time. Thanks Joe! :-)