
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sponsors, oh MY!

We've been really lucky over the last couple of years with the quality and quantity of the sponsorship that has been given to us.  This year is no exception. Once we'd decided that X Wing was going to be a part of Foodhammer, I approached Fantasy Flight Games and told them about what we've been doing.  Their response was no less than astounding.  They're sending a ton of swag including that we'll be able to use at our X Wing tournament as giveaways, draw prizes and as prizes for the winners.

Mister Justin McCoy of Secret Weapon Miniatures has again agreed to be a show supporter this year.  We'll update you with what he's kicking in when we've figured it out.

Simon White, A Club member and conversion magician has formed his own company.  Great White Miniatures will be producing conversion kits for some of your favourite models.  His first release will be the Abrogator - an artillery piece which will happily and quite coincidentally fit on a Chimera chassis! The first production pieces are about to land on Simon's doorstep, but here's a pic of the prototype

Thanks to Great White Miniatures and tom of Talasa Prime

Robert Knestrick of Shogun Miniatures has also thrown his hat into the ring.  I do like the look of his flanged magnetic trays.  I don't play Fantasy myself  (I love my 40K!), but I hear that one issue Fantasy players have sometimes is the edge of the movement trays getting in the way.  This happens most often when moving a block of models between two other blocks, since you measure to the base of the unit and not the tray. The flanges that Robert has put on his magnetic movement trays certainly look like they make that less of a problem!

Again, Imperial Hobbies have stepped up to the plate.  I haven't seen what they're donating yet, but they're always so supportive of our events and we all appreciate them very much.

Of course we have to thank GameStars for being our hosts again this year.  This really couldn't have got off the ground in the first place without their help. I can't thank them enough for their continued support.

We have always bought our Foodhammer dice from Chessex but this year they're helping us out, enabling us to minimise our overheads in order to maximise the donation.  I promise that I won't let Les Sohier hug the bag when they arrive!